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What makes a good home for a miniature dachshund?

Whilst you may have fallen in love with the idea of owning a beautiful miniature dachshund, the breed do not suit everybody. It is better to do your homework and ensure that your family and home is a good environment for these Beautiful Creatures.

Here are some things to consider before you go ahead and purchase a miniature dachshund puppy.

  • Is there someone at home most times or does everyone work/school away from home?
    Dachshunds are bred to bark and that’s what they do. If someone isn’t home most of the time, then your dog will bark. Your neighbours will complain, and you will get anonymous letters in your mailbox, followed up with official council complaints.
  • Do you have any other dogs or pets? – if yes – what kinds/ age / sex / desexed?
    How will these pets get along? Do you have the ability and room  to separate them if it is required.
  • What kind of flooring is in your house? (wood/carpet/tile/combination
    Puppies have accidents frequently. Puppies also cannot tell the difference between carpet and grass. it is not easy to continually have to clean carpet. if you have wooden or tiled floor areas it is much easier to mop up a mess.
  • Do you have ANY stairs or steps inside your house? Will pup have to use those stairs?
    The dachshund breed can be prone to back injuries. it is better to keep your dog off steps and stairs. ramps are good for sofas. if you only have stairs two bedrooms and your dog will never have to go there then that is acceptable. However, if your living area is up flight of stairs and for the dog to get out into the yard to do away I have to go down those flight of stairs that is not acceptable.
  • Do you have stairs or steps to enter your house from your yard?
    If there are only two or three steps 20 your house from the yard then is it possible to instal a ramp? Maybe just get a block of traded timber from your local hardware store.
  • Do you have a yard? Is it securely fenced with no holes?
    Dachshunds need a place for exercise and adventures during the day.
  • Do you own your own house? Location/address?
    There is not much point having answered the above home questions if you don’t own your house. For example, what would happen if you had to move to a house that had stairs.
  • Would the pup be an inside dog, outside dog, or an inside & outside dog?
    Dachshunds are built for laps, cuddles and sofas. anyone who only wants dog for an outside dog should not have one.
  • Do you have or would you put in a dog door?
  • Where would the dog sleep once it is settled into its new home?
  • Do you go away on holidays? What is your plan for the dog if you do?
  • Have you had dachshunds before?

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